Past experience & Photography tips from Lila & Lara

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 12/07/2023

Lila and Lara, Wilderness School Check out the video Lila & Lara created to share their Oliphant Science Awards experience with you: We love science because you can experiment, test ideas and learn from you mistakes. Science is useful, for example it’s used in cooking and sports. We love learning...

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How to Create a Successful OSA Project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 05/07/2023

Ashleigh Fourie, Southern Vales Christian College – Morphett Vale OSA past projects and the steps to achieving it My first time presenting an Oliphant science project without a group / partner was last year and it was on the topic of creating Energy Transformation. I really enjoyed the process of...

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