Tips & Tricks for a Winning Project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 30/05/2024

Check out below some advice for putting together your winning Oliphant's project!   Have you seen our NEW project checklists? Make sure you've ticked off all the essential elements of your project, from putting it together all the way through to submitting it. Find them on each category page or in...

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OSA Ambassador - Nivaan

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 19/03/2024

We are excited to have Nivaan as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. Nivaan has been a participant for the past 4 years in many different categories, and has collected winning prizes for his Programming, Apps and Robotics entries. He is excited to share his passion for the competition and science...

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Frequently Asked Questions for OSA Coordinators

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions from Coordinators for the Oliphant Science Awards below. If your question isn't answered below please contact the SASTA office on 8354 0006 or via email Q: Do I need to register as a coordinator each year? A: Yes, you...

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OSA Ambassador - Sienna

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to welcome Sienna as an OSA Ambassador again for 2024. Sienna is an experienced Oliphant Science Award entrant and was also the recipient of the Tall Poppy Award in 2021 for her Scientific Inquiry entry.  Get to know Sienna! How did you first get involved in OSA?...

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Getting your child involved in the Oliphant Science Awards

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

If your child is passionate about science, the Oliphant Science Awards is a great opportunity for them to explore this interest. Below are a few tips and thoughts from parents who have been involved in the competition: Let them find something they're passionate about and see how they can explore...

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