Tips & Tricks for a Winning Project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 30/05/2024

Check out below some advice for putting together your winning Oliphant's project!   Have you seen our NEW project checklists? Make sure you've ticked off all the essential elements of your project, from putting it together all the way through to submitting it. Find them on each category page or in...

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OSA Ambassador - Nivaan

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 19/03/2024

We are excited to have Nivaan as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. Nivaan has been a participant for the past 4 years in many different categories, and has collected winning prizes for his Programming, Apps and Robotics entries. He is excited to share his passion for the competition and science...

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Getting your child involved in the Oliphant Science Awards

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

If your child is passionate about science, the Oliphant Science Awards is a great opportunity for them to explore this interest. Below are a few tips and thoughts from parents who have been involved in the competition: Let them find something they're passionate about and see how they can explore...

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OSA Ambassador - Saheli

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to have Saheli as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. Shaeli has been participating in the competition for almost 10 years with over 20 projects submitted. She continues to foster her passion for science through the competition and is excited to share it with her peers.   Get to...

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OSA Ambassador - Sienna

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to welcome Sienna as an OSA Ambassador again for 2024. Sienna is an experienced Oliphant Science Award entrant and was also the recipient of the Tall Poppy Award in 2021 for her Scientific Inquiry entry.  Get to know Sienna! How did you first get involved in OSA?...

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OSA Ambassador - Jackson

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to have Jackson as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. Jackson has participated in the Oliphant Science Awards since 2018 and is one of our most passionate Programming, Apps and Robotics entrants. Get to know Jackson! How did you first get involved in OSA? I still remember it...

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OSA Ambassador - Shaya

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We are excited to have Shaya as an OSA Ambassador for 2024. You may have seen Shaya before as she was our 2023 Trophy Winner for her Models & Inventions entry VAMOS. Shaya is an experienced entrant and is excited to share her passion for science. Get to know Shaya!...

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RACI Crystal Growing Competition Winners

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 05/12/2023

This year, all winning and highly commended entries in Crystal Investigation from the Oliphant Science Awards were entered into the National RACI Crystal Growing Competition.  We are excited to announce a number of winners from the competition this year! K-2 1st - Remy Durham, Annesley Junior School 2nd - Clara...

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Bringing Back the Bandicoots to Frank Smith

Posted by SASTA

on 25/09/2023

Coromandel Valley Primary School students and their science teacher Sarah Todd recently entered the Oliphant Science Awards Citizen Science category and won the primary years category! You can view their Citizen Science entry here. And you can track their journey through the process so far through some media articles below.  ...

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Past experience & Photography tips from Lila & Lara

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 12/07/2023

Lila and Lara, Wilderness School Check out the video Lila & Lara created to share their Oliphant Science Awards experience with you: We love science because you can experiment, test ideas and learn from you mistakes. Science is useful, for example it’s used in cooking and sports. We love learning...

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How to Create a Successful OSA Project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 05/07/2023

Ashleigh Fourie, Southern Vales Christian College – Morphett Vale OSA past projects and the steps to achieving it My first time presenting an Oliphant science project without a group / partner was last year and it was on the topic of creating Energy Transformation. I really enjoyed the process of...

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Community is the Key to Success

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 28/06/2023

By Rachel Pillar, Brayden Wilson, Natasha Florance and Lenny Laver, Kangaroo Island Community Education 2022 was quite the year for Kangaroo Island Community Education (KICE) in the Oliphant Science Awards. After several years spent building the profile of the Awards at KICE and some great successes, forty-five KICE students registered...

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Tips and Suggestions from a past OSA Winner

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 14/06/2023

Connor Wallace, Scotch College I love science! I’m sure you do too, that’s why you are also interested in the Oliphant Science Awards Competition (OSAC). I am in Year 6 and will be entering the OSAC for the sixth time this year. Each year, I find it quite difficult to...

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Oliphant Science Awards Photography 2021

Posted by SASTA

on 20/07/2022

Each year we like to present some of the standout individual images entered in the photography competition (randomly chosen). Here is a small selection, all of which came from projects that received either awards or which came highly commended. Perhaps this helps you with your projects. Photographer: Priti Jivtani, Eman...

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Science Writing ideas

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 15/06/2022

Are you stuck on your Science Writing entry? Here are some great places to start or some resources to add to your current project! Click on the links below. Bioluminescence Have you been hunting for ghost mushrooms? We are proud to have the Clean Air Society of Australia & New...

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Air Quality: Emissions and Monitoring

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 15/06/2022

We're excited to have the Clean Air Society of Australia & New Zealand sponsoring the Science Writing category this year! They have an amazing prize on offer for year 9-12 students for the best student entry from Science Writing or Scientific Inquiry that addresses Air Quality: Emissions and Monitoring. The...

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Programming, Apps & Robotics appointments now open

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 14/06/2022

If you have registered a Programming, Apps & Robotics project for the Oliphant Science Awards, you are now able to book your appointment with our judges! Appointments can be booked online here. Don't forget that you also need to upload your report via our online project submission platform by Friday...

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Judging the Models & Inventions Category

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 08/06/2022

What is it like to be a judge in the Oliphant Science Awards? We met some previous judges and asked them why they think the Oliphants are important, why they judge and whether they had any hints or tips for entrants. Models & Inventions Category Sam Moyle (Brighton Secondary School)...

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Crystal Investigation: control of temperature

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 01/06/2022

by Ian McMahon The first article in the blog focussed on two of the principal factors that can affect the success of growing award winning crystals. These were the quality of the solute, alum – how pure is it? and the quality of the solvent, water - again related to...

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2022 PRC STEM Competition Open Now!

Posted by SASTA

on 25/05/2022

SASTA and the Oliphant Science Awards are proud to be partnering with Inspiring SA and the Premiers Reading Challenge (PRC) to support this year’s STEM Reading and Design Challenge. This competition challenges you to read about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) in the lead up to National Science Week....

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Judging the Games Category

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/05/2022

What is it like to be a judge in the Oliphant Science Awards? We met some previous judges and asked them why they think the Oliphants are important, why they judge and whether they had any hints or tips for entrants. Games Category Anita Trenwith (Uni SA Connect Team: SASTA...

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Eugene Lee - Oliphant Science Trophy Winner 2021

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 04/05/2022

by Eugene Lee, Pedare Christian College I'm so honoured and privileged to have received the Oliphant Trophy. I’ve participated in the Oliphant Science Awards every year since I was a Year three student in 2017, where I won the Australian Institute of Physics Prize and First Place for my Models...

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Crystal Investigation

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 27/04/2022

by Ian McMahon The substance, alum, is almost the principal factor for achieving some degree of success in growing good crystals. The percentage purity of the alum needs to be high so that contaminant particles do not disrupt the proper crystal formation. The source of alum therefore must be considered...

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Country Schools: Participating in the Oliphant Science Awards

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 13/04/2022

The Oliphant Science Awards (OSA) are open for all South Australian schools to enter – whether that be entering individual students or entire student cohorts. We asked the Oliphant Coordinators from 3 different regional schools about their involvement with the competition. Here are their responses along with images of some...

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Tall Poppy Award for Scientific Inquiry - Prize Winner's Experience

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 06/04/2022

by Sienna Hill My name is Sienna Hill, and I am a Year 10 student at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College. Through the Tall Poppy Award that I was awarded last year, I was gifted with a Science mentor – Professor Justin Chalker.  Professor Chalker serves as the...

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