Frequently Asked Questions for OSA Coordinators

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 07/03/2024

We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions from Coordinators for the Oliphant Science Awards below. If your question isn't answered below please contact the SASTA office on 8354 0006 or via email Q: Do I need to register as a coordinator each year? A: Yes, you...

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Bringing Back the Bandicoots to Frank Smith

Posted by SASTA

on 25/09/2023

Coromandel Valley Primary School students and their science teacher Sarah Todd recently entered the Oliphant Science Awards Citizen Science category and won the primary years category! You can view their Citizen Science entry here. And you can track their journey through the process so far through some media articles below.  ...

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Getting Started with Your Oliphant project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 21/06/2023

Saheli Dissanayake, Seymour College I have been participating in the Oliphant Science Awards since Reception and have taken part in various categories including multimedia, posters, computer programming, science writing and models and inventions. Through the Oliphant Science Awards I have been able to explore such a vast set of topics...

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Crystal Investigation: control of temperature

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 01/06/2022

by Ian McMahon The first article in the blog focussed on two of the principal factors that can affect the success of growing award winning crystals. These were the quality of the solute, alum – how pure is it? and the quality of the solvent, water - again related to...

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Judging the Games Category

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/05/2022

What is it like to be a judge in the Oliphant Science Awards? We met some previous judges and asked them why they think the Oliphants are important, why they judge and whether they had any hints or tips for entrants. Games Category Anita Trenwith (Uni SA Connect Team: SASTA...

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Eugene Lee - Oliphant Science Trophy Winner 2021

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 04/05/2022

by Eugene Lee, Pedare Christian College I'm so honoured and privileged to have received the Oliphant Trophy. I’ve participated in the Oliphant Science Awards every year since I was a Year three student in 2017, where I won the Australian Institute of Physics Prize and First Place for my Models...

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Crystal Investigation

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 27/04/2022

by Ian McMahon The substance, alum, is almost the principal factor for achieving some degree of success in growing good crystals. The percentage purity of the alum needs to be high so that contaminant particles do not disrupt the proper crystal formation. The source of alum therefore must be considered...

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Country Schools: Participating in the Oliphant Science Awards

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 13/04/2022

The Oliphant Science Awards (OSA) are open for all South Australian schools to enter – whether that be entering individual students or entire student cohorts. We asked the Oliphant Coordinators from 3 different regional schools about their involvement with the competition. Here are their responses along with images of some...

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Tall Poppy Award for Scientific Inquiry - Prize Winner's Experience

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 06/04/2022

by Sienna Hill My name is Sienna Hill, and I am a Year 10 student at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College. Through the Tall Poppy Award that I was awarded last year, I was gifted with a Science mentor – Professor Justin Chalker.  Professor Chalker serves as the...

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The Science of Weather and Bushfires

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 22/07/2021

by Chris Sedunary and Belinda Dunbar, CFS The science of weather is called meteorology. At the Country Fire Service, during bushfire season we have a staff member from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) with us throughout the season. Meteorologists study the weather and try to forecast it. Forecasting the weather...

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Priyanka’s five tips for a successful Science Inquiry!

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 08/07/2021

by Priyanka Thavarajah  The first step to a successful Science Inquiry is the experiment itself. I have found that, especially in the higher years, doing an experiment around a current topic gives it purpose. Be creative with the set up to try and make the conditions as real as possible....

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A short guide to Science Writing

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 01/07/2021

by Anita Suetrong Not sure where to start on your Science Writing entry? Check out Anita's tips for creating your entry in the video below! While you have to choose one of the 2021 Science Writing titles for your project, you have the freedom to write in any genre you...

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1993/1994 Oliphant Science Awards Trophy Winner – Mark Hodson

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 29/06/2021

by Mark Hodson I was the first two-time winner of the Oliphant Science Awards, entering on both occasions in the computer category. The recognition and the opportunities that came with the award helped cement my love of systematic problem solving and computer programming, leading to an engineering career with international...

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Regan's inspiring journey through OSA

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 24/06/2021

video by Regan Nelson Regan was first encouraged to enter the Oliphant Science Awards by his Reception teacher in 2011. He has entered a project every year since with a number of winning entries over the years! Regan always hated writing and when he was in Year 2 he was...

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Bushfire Safety Tips for your Poster entry

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/06/2021

by Chris Sedunary and Belinda Dunbar, CFS Chris and Belinda from the CFS have put together some helpful hints for students making a 2021 poster entry about bushfire safety. You and your family's safety and survival during a bushfire can depend on how prepared you are, and the decisions you...

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A Short Guide on how to Create a Scientific Inquiry Project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 04/06/2021

by Raihanah Pranggono, 2020 Oliphant Trophy Winner Based on my own experience, the following steps might help you in the development of your very own Scientific Inquiry! Choose a research domain that is appealing to you: To do this, you can derive some bright ideas from a pastime that you...

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2004 Oliphant Science Awards Trophy Winner - Alyssa Fitzpatrick

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/05/2021

by Alyssa Fitzpatrick The five test tubes sat in the corner of the lab benches, each containing different brightly coloured liquids. As the Year 10 students rushed into class, chattering amongst themselves after lunch, they were directed to each of the test tubes, and asked to smell them. Which was...

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Photography from a judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 15/04/2021

by Elizabeth Anderson, Mitcham Girls High School Over the years of involvement with the Photography section of the Oliphant Science Awards I have been lucky enough to have judged work from Years 2 through 12 and to have supported our own students produce some outstanding work.  It’s amazing the quality...

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1995 Oliphant Science Awards Trophy Winner - Kyra Reznikov

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 05/04/2021

by Kyra Reznikov BE(Chem)(1st class Hons) LLB(with Hons) I have always liked solving puzzles and been curious about the world around me. I think that’s why I enjoy science, and it’s certainly why I love my job so much. Today I’m an environmental lawyer, and I wouldn’t be where I...

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How to win in the Games category from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 25/03/2021

by Dagmar Preusker The Oliphant Science Awards attract a very high standard of entries as well as a large number from right across South Australia, this means that unfortunately there isn’t the time to play every game and check them all for scientific content so a process of shortlisting occurs...

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The Australian Biochemist Magazine

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 23/03/2021

The magazine of the ASBMB, the Australian Biochemist, keeps members up-to-date with relevant scientific and personal news in Australia and abroad. Each magazine has a dedicated Education Feature that discusses new ideas and methods for teaching and assessment. The ASBMB even has a Biochemical Educators special interest group; just register...

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Memories from the Oliphant Science Awards

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 12/03/2021

Short stories from years gone by...   Dr Matthew Sorell Senior Lecturer, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Adelaide I built a speech synthesiser in 1985 (possibly 1986) which won in whichever category it was in. Back then, speech synthesis was quite primitive and I was using a...

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Programming, Apps & Robotics from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 11/03/2021

by Glen Hutson Do you know what makes the Programming, Apps & Robotics category different to all the rest? It’s the interview! Most years I meet with students as they demonstrate and explain their creations. The Oliphant rules ask that you come and show us how it works and often...

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How to get started with your Science Writing or Multimedia project

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 04/03/2021

by Asira & Anita Suetrong Are you thinking about entering the Oliphant Science Awards but you're not sure where to start? Asira & Anita have put together a video (below) that gives you an insight into their past winning entries and how they got started! Asira's past two Multimedia entries...

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1981 Oliphant Science Awards winner - David Tilley

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards

on 02/03/2021

by Dr David Tilley BSc (Hons) PhD Winning the inaugural Oliphant Science Awards in 1981 was a defining moment in my life. It led to many opportunities that I could only dream of. I undertook my entry into the Oliphant Science Awards while in Year 12 at the Mount Gambier...

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