South Australian Science Teachers Association
SACE Stage 2 Biology Workbook - 2nd Ed.
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SACE Stage 2 Biology Workbook - 2nd Ed.
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This workbook follows the revised 2021 SACE subject outline for Stage 2 Biology with statements from the Science Understanding section beginning each chapter.
The Second Edition includes revised chapters, extended explanations, new diagrams, and best of all, hundreds of new questions! The review tests have been revised to include questions that address criteria relevant to the strands of science inquiry skills and science as a human endeavour.
This workbook provides students and educators with detailed explanations of the course content with hundreds of useful diagrams to support student learning. The second edition includes fully worked examples and more than 600 practice problems embedded within 140 questions. The Second Edition includes hundreds of new questions that were not present in the First Edition as well as four review tests. The questions range in difficulty and address all strands of the Stage 2 Biology course including science inquiry skills, science as a human endeavour, and science understanding.
ISBN: 978-0-6486602-6-2 (revised ISBN)
* All prices listed are inclusive of GST.