SACE Stage 2 Biology workbook - 3rd Ed.

SACE Stage 2 Biology workbook - 3rd Ed.


ISBN: 978-0-6455814-0-9


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Here is a summary of what makes the third editions different to the second editions:

  1. The new editions have expanded text in every chapter. The extra information deepens the reader’s knowledge and application by transitioning their understanding from surface to deep.
  2. The third edition of biology has more than 500 new questions including more questions on science as a human endeavour (SHE) and science inquiry skills. The new questions are designed to let students to apply their knowledge to new and familiar contexts.
  3. The third editions have MUCH improved artwork which helps simplify concepts while bringing them to life. 
  4. The third editions have new topic tests that help students prepare for Skills and Applications Tasks (Tests).

The third editions also link directly to the brand new videos that will be available beginning at the start of Term 1, 2023. The second editions do not sync up with the videos at all.