Posted by SASTA

on 14/09/2023

Can your child help us to make an animation series?

Australian children with a learning difference are at elevated risk of victimisation in schools and experience high rates of mental health problems including depression and anxiety. In this study we will develop an animation series that explains common learning differences and uses examples from popular culture to destigmatise autism, ADHD, dyslexia, sensory processing disorder and other neurodivergent presentations. The series is also intended to increase self-esteem in all children regardless of the types of challenges they experience in school.

We are currently looking for children 7-11 years of age that are willing to provide the feedback needed to guide the development of this animation series and the associated survey that will measure children's attitudes towards learning differences.

This project is supported by the Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation. 

Benefits of the study:

A engaging animation series that normalises having different learning strengths and challenges will promote more inclusive school environments and increase self-esteem in children.

Benefits to you/your child:

Participants will receive a $10 gift card for joining a focus group session and the option for your child to be acknowledged as a co-developer in the animation credits.

Participation involves:

  • Providing some basic demographic information about your child
  • Providing information about any learning difference or disability that your child experiences (if applicable)
  • Your child attending a FUN focus group session (1 hour) conducted by researchers at Flinders University.

Find out all the details here. Download the flyer here