Posted by SASTA

on 11/04/2024

20 - 22 August 2024

Don't miss your opportunity to join over 100,000 students from over 20 countries in this unique chemistry educational quiz.

Secondary school students (ages 12-18) can test their Chemistry knowledge and have fun at the same time, with the quiz providing teachers a helpful tool to gauge their student's understanding of the subject. The Quiz consists of 30 multiple choice questions to be answered in 60 minutes, either in paper format or online.   

The ICQ is a unique chemical education activity.

It provides a major focus for secondary school students on the relevance of chemistry in an exciting and stimulating way. The RACI invites all students to participate in the ICQ.

The ICQ aims to promote interest in chemistry and the role of chemists in our society.

The ICQ is not a nationwide assessment of chemistry knowledge, but rather an opportunity to promote Chemistry and for teachers to gauge the understanding their students have of the subject.

For more information, resources and to enter visit the website