Write the instructions; be in control.

Proudly sponsored by Defence Science & Technology Group

Dept of Defence

Click here to download a PDF copy of the rules for Programming, Apps & Robotics.

Click here to download a copy of the Programming, Apps & Robotics project checklist.

Click here to download a copy of the judging rubric

Click here to book a judging appointment (bookings open 6 June - 23 July).



A successful Oliphant Science Awards Programming, Apps & Robotics entry:

  • Has accurate science content, and uses scientific principles to get results.
  • Serves a scientific purpose.
  • Is engaging and interesting to use.
  • Is user friendly and almost impossible to crash.

Computers are programmed to help scientists with their work. Programs can:

  • Simulate behaviour using scientific understanding of interactions
    Predicting the effects from a change is often difficult. Scientists might write mathematical equations of the many parts involved. They can then enter a virtual world where they can change some parts and the computer will work out the effect. The computer will also show the results in tables or graphs. Simulations are used instead of very long, difficult or dangerous experiments.

Key Dates

Friday 6 June - Sunday 29 June - report submitted online

Saturday 26 July - judging day (by appointment only)

  • Control robots
    Robots use sensors to get information and then respond to a change. For example a robot could sense the temperature in a glasshouse and open or close vents to suit the growing plants. Some robots move around and can sense their surroundings. They might change their behaviour depending on what they sense. Robots could be used in search and rescue situations to locate people and send a signal of where they are.
  • Model or help to demonstrate a scientific idea or principle
    Programs can be written to show scientific concepts, or to model or simulate real life situations that are difficult to measure directly. Also, seeing interactive graphics can often make things easier to understand.
  • A successful entry must do more than just follow a fixed sequence of steps.
    It should be innovative, and should show how the application could be applied to a practical application, or help solve a problem.

Rules for Programming, Apps & Robotics:

  • Entries for all year levels may program either a robot, a computer program, app or electronic game
  • A group of up to 3 students can enter a Programming, Apps & Robotics entry. (The highest year level in the group will determine the year category of the entry).
  • All entries will be judged on the elements that are the students' own work, and not on the robot itself, or the computer language that has been applied. The judges will place high value on the originality of the entry and the potential wider practical applications that it may address.
  • Robotics entries may use recognised formats such as Lego Mindstorm, eLabtronics, Microbric or similar programs. Robots can be built from a kit, bought ready-made, or individually constructed.
  • Programming and Apps entries may use recognised programming languages such as Java, C++, Fortran, or Visual Basic.
  • Your entry must include a written report that includes the following:
    • The aim of the entry, and its scientific purpose and potential applications
    • The type of robot or computer / device required to run the program
    • Clear instructions on loading or using the entry
    • A hard copy of the program and an explanation of what the sections of the program do
    • Acknowledgment of any external support provided to the entry
    • A bibliography that acknowledges relevant sources of information.

In presenting your Programming, Apps & Robotics entry:

  • An electronic copy of your report / programming details MUST be uploaded to the Oliphant Science Awards website between 6 June - 29 June 2025. Details can be found here.
    • Please be sure to include any links to your program / app or videos / photos of your robot in your report for judges to view. Students are asked to include an email address where they can be contacted directly by the judges should they require any further information.
  • You will need to book an appointment time online for the judging day (bookings available from 6 June - 23 July)
  • You are required to bring your own entry with you for judging - this includes your own device / laptop to demonstrate your entry to the judges and discuss its features and uses. Robots will be photographed so you will be able to take your projects home with you after judging. 
  • WIFI access will not be provided, so if your project requires internet access to function, please provide your own source. 

Please note, if you are unable to attend on Judging Day, there is no other opportunity for your project to be judged in this year's competition. 

Programming, Apps & Robotics appointments now open

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 14 Jun 2022

If you have registered a Programming, Apps & Robotics project for the Oliphant Science Awards, you are now able to book your appointment with our judges! Appointments can be booked online here. Don't...  more...

Programming, Apps & Robotics from a Judge's perspective

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 11 Mar 2021

by Glen Hutson Do you know what makes the Programming, Apps & Robotics category different to all the rest? It’s the interview! Most years I meet with students as they demonstrate and explain...  more...

Jackson's journey through Programming, Apps & Robotics

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 18 Feb 2021

by Jackson Burford Jackson is 9 years old and has entered the Programming, Apps & Robotics category of the Oliphant Science Awards for the last three years. He has been a finalist each...  more...

Computer Programming, Apps & Robotics - tips to get started

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 10 Jul 2020

Are you submitting a Computer Programming, Apps and Robotics (CPA&R) entry this year? Check out the video below from Toby Trenwith, one of our CPA&R veterans, which walks you through the process of...  more...

Video Entry Hints & Tips Video

Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 27 Apr 2020

Have you considered adding video content to your Oliphant Science Awards Submission? While videos are a popular project choice for the Multimedia category, short videos can also be a great way to record...  more...