HomeEvent Info2025 Project CategoriesPosters
Event Info
A picture tells a thousand words, so have your say.
Click here to download a PDF copy of the rules for Posters.
Click here to download a copy of the Poster project checklist.
Click here to download a copy of the judging rubric.
2025 Poster Titles:
The descriptions in italics are just starting points. Feel free to explore and interpret each topic in your own unique way—creativity and originality are encouraged!
- Natural History Illustration (hand-drawn only)
- Animal Camouflage: Nature’s Master of Disguise - Illustrate how animals use camouflage to hide in plain sight, focusing on the science behind their colour and pattern adaptations.
Key Dates
Wednesday 30 July 2025 - project delivered onsite
- Fractals in Nature: The Building Blocks of Beauty - Showcase the fractal patterns found in nature, such as in leaves, shells, and clouds, emphasizing their role in natural processes.
- Following Footprints: Tracking Animals in the Wild - Illustrate different types of animal tracks, showing what they can tell us about the animal’s behaviour and environment.
- Biomimicry in Design - Explore how nature-inspired designs are leading to sustainable innovations.
- The Lifecycle of a Star - A visual journey through the birth, life, and death of stars.
- The Impact of Plastic Pollution - Understanding the effects of plastics on marine and terrestrial environments.
- Women in STEM - Celebrating the contributions of female scientists throughout history.
- Healthy Futures - Explore how science helps improve public health, from eradicating diseases through vaccination to promoting healthy lifestyles through exercise and nutrition. Illustrate the role of science in keeping communities healthy.
- First Nation Science - Explore the science behind traditional Indigenous objects or processes, such as the physics behind weapon designs like the boomerang or the use of natural medicines.
A successful Oliphant Science Awards Poster entry:
- Has a strong science message and accurate science content.
- Communicates a single idea clearly.
- Shows good quality artistic skills and imagination, giving the poster visual appeal.
- Uses minimal words (try using fewer than 25 words). The judges will favour entries that give a visual message without the use of a lot of text.
- Can be easily read from a distance.
Rules for Posters:
- The poster must be on one of the titles listed above. Please ensure this title is clearly identified on your entry
- The poster must be the work of one person (no group entries or unacknowledged assistance by an adult).
- The poster must be the student’s own work.
- The poster must be original.
- The poster must be on lightweight card no larger than 51 cm x 65 cm. No corflute, glass, wood or other heavy frame or backing permitted.
- The poster must not weigh more than 200g.
- The poster may be a collage of other pictures or made using computer assisted graphics. All images and graphics need to be attributed.
- The poster must be flat (no three-dimensional material attached).
AI may be used for ages 13 and above with parental permission. Prompts must be identified and included on the back of the poster.
In presenting your poster entry:
- You must securely attach your Identification Label (your Coordinator will give you this label) to the back of your entry.

Bushfire Safety Tips for your Poster entry
Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 11 Jun 2021
by Chris Sedunary and Belinda Dunbar, CFS Chris and Belinda from the CFS have put together some helpful hints for students making a 2021 poster entry about bushfire safety. You and your family's... more...

Josephine's tips for poster making
Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 6 Aug 2020
Are you in the process of putting together your Oliphant Science Awards Poster? Check out Josephine's tips for poster making below. Josephine Oehler is a senior student at Seymour College. She has placed... more...

Posters 2020 - The Science of Bushfires
Posted by Oliphant Science Awards on 28 Jul 2020
Previous Oliphant Science Awards School Coordinator, now Acting Manager Partners in Bushfire Safety at the South Australian Country Fire Service Chris Sedunary has put together the information below to help students completing a... more...